

Anite - ANSWARP Portal

Anite - ANSWarp Portal - Screenshot

Online subscription-based alert system designed to inform members how to safeguard against electronic attack and protect sensitive information.

Status: Completed
Date: 01 December 2006 - 03 November 2008
URL: Registered Users Only
Demo: Registered Users Only
Sourcefiles: Administrator Users Only

ANSWARP is a Warning, Advice and Reporting Point (WARP), which is part of the UK National Infrastructure Security Co-ordination Centre's (NISCC) information sharing strategy to help combat the increasing risk of electronic attack on information systems.

WARP members agree to work together in a community and share information to reduce the risk of their information systems being compromised and therefore cut the risk to their organisation. Although local government-run WARPS exist in London, the North East and Kent, Anite is the first ICT vendor to have been registered as a WARP provider.

Members can subscribe to receive specific alerts through the 'Filtered Warning Application' (FWA) provided by Avius Experience.


  1. Standards and guidelines from HM Government and Cyber Security Industry Alliance (CSIA)
  2. Best practices for specialists, managers and users
  3. Guidance on risk management
  4. Emerging assurance standards
  5. Security news - featuring latest vulnerabilities automatically fed from various RSS feeds, such as IT Security Warning Service


Anite - ANSWARP Portal - Screenshot

Screenshot - ANSWARP Portal

Anite - ANSWARP Portal - Screenshot

Screenshot - ANSWARP Portal

Anite - ANSWARP Portal - Screenshot

Screenshot - ANSWARP Portal

Anite - ANSWARP Portal - Screenshot

Screenshot - ANSWARP Portal

Anite - ANSWARP Portal - Screenshot

Screenshot - ANSWARP Portal

Anite - ANSWARP Portal - Screenshot

Screenshot - ANSWARP Portal

Anite - ANSWARP Portal - Screenshot

Screenshot - ANSWARP Portal

Anite - ANSWARP Portal - Screenshot

Screenshot - ANSWARP Portal

Anite - ANSWARP Portal - Screenshot

Screenshot - ANSWARP Portal

Anite - ANSWARP Portal - Screenshot

Screenshot - ANSWARP Portal

The images have been blurred to mask and protect sensitive information. To unmask, please request access.


The following lists the various roles, skills and responsibilities involved in producing this project, alongside details of certification and awards achieved, standards followed, association memberships, applications and computer languages used, network infrastructures and mentions in press and publications.


Sole responsibility for designing, maintaining and supporting the project.

Internet Clients

A.P.Security - Logo

AP Security (APS) Limited is an independent security company that offers a broad range of solutions for event security, manned guarding, building facilities and event consultancy.

Anite - Logo

Anite plc is a software supplier for the wireless and travel industries. It is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 250 Index.

Cabinet Office - Logo

The Cabinet Office is a department of the Government of the United Kingdom responsible for supporting the Prime Minister and Cabinet of the United Kingdom.

Northgate - Logo

Northgate Information Solutions Limited is a market leader in providing specialist software, outsourcing and information technology (IT) services to the human resources, local government and public safety markets.

Private Individuals - Logo

We work with private individuals as well as any sized business or organisation.

Third Dimension - Logo

Third Dimension is a limited company, registered in the United Kingdom and based in Milborne Port, near Sherborne, Dorset.

  • A.P. Security
  • Anite
  • Cabinet Office
  • Northgate
  • Private Individuals
  • Third Dimension